
Innovation nnovative

IPPC knows that in order to offer the best possible service, the cookie cutter answer is not always the best approach. We constantly strive to find new and innovative solutions that will offer our customers cost-savings and improved quality of care for their residents.


Progrress rogressive

In the constantly evolving world of long term care, yesterday’s technology becomes outdated overnight. IPPC employs the most up-to-date automated dispensing systems, eMAR software interfaces, and quality assurance devices to guarantee accurate, reliable, and effective pharmacy services.


Proactive roactive

When a problem arises, our account representatives and nurse liaisons are always available to get you the answer you need. We are always on the clock. You will have an owner’s contact information who you can reach out to at any time.


Caring aring

Improving patient care is the most important goal of IPPC. Whether that means taking the time to discuss clinical information with a patient and their family, or addressing your facility’s needs, caring for our customers is the most important aspect of our services.